Monday, January 19, 2009


Its been awhile...I have a good excuse though, I sware i do! I had a baby!!! On January 13,2009 at 10:51am little Brittany Catharine finally made her way into this world. Here's the story...


On Monday January 12 I went for a doctor appointment. I had an appointment the previous Wednesday and the doctor then said to make an appointment for Monday. If I hadnt had her by Monday they would set up a time to induce me because I was over my due date. They didnt want me to reach 42 weeks because after that time the placenta starts to shut down and there is a chace the baby could die. So monday I went to the doctor still prego. He checked me and I was 4cm and 50% effaced. He told me to come in the next morning at 6 to be induced, but he also stripped my membranes to see if that would get something going on it own. Well I went home did some cleaning and went and got Emma from preschool came home and I had some bleeding and strong contractions but they were very far apart (about 20 min apart) so i didnt think much of it. We went about the day getting ready for the induction the next morning. We went to sleep around 11pm and I set my alarm for 5am so i could get up and get the girls things ready for the sitters and my stuff ready for the hospital. Well at 4am I woke up to very painful contractions that were about 4-5min apart. Since I had had contractions before I decided just to get in the bath and see if they would go away on their own.....they fact they just got stronger and closer together....I was in labor! I was so excited because this was the 1st time I had gone into labor on my own. by 5am I was in a lot of pain and the contractions were baout 3min apart. I told Hubby to get up we needed to go....he was still pretty much asleep and told me there was no way I was in labor and i needed to wait until 6am to go to the hospital....I said fine and got the girls and all our stuff ready and at 6am we headed to the this time I was in A LOT of pain. We walked into the ER and I asked them to wheel me up to labor and delivery because I couldnt walk that far. We finally got up and into a room and all hooked up to the monitors around 7am. sure enough I was in labor. I was having contractions in the 120s every 2-4 minutes. they checked me and I was 6cm and 100%. I continued to labor drug free for about an hour when they finally gave me something through my IV. It didnt really help with the pain just made me really loopy. they checked me again and I was 8cm.....another hour went by and they gave me an intrathecal which is like a one time shot in your spine thats supposed to kinda act like a short epidural....that didnt work at didnt numb me anywhere. After they layed me back down my water broke...they decided to check me again I was 10cm and 100%.....I thought awesome I can start pushing nopw and get her out but no such luck. Brittany was still high. She was being held up by a 2nd small bag of water!!! I had 2 bags of water.....they decided not to break the water and just let me labor on my own to see if it would hour went by and nothing.....almost 2 hours later and laboring at 10cm and 100% my doc came in and decided to rupture the small bag. As soon as he did she dropped right down and it was time for me to push. I pushed 3 times and she was born at 10:51am on Tuesday January 13, 2009. She was a HUGE baby weighing 8lbs 10oz but what can you expect she was 10 days late.

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