Saturday, September 13, 2008

I want it!

Ok so my dear husband got paid today. (YAY!) Honestly, who doesnt like pay day? On top of this pay, we are renting out the house we own in GA and the rent check finally went into our account (double YAY!) Needless to say we actually had some money today. Not that it will last too long after bills, gas, and grocheries. Oh well.

Anyway, payday always makes me want to go shopping. So this morning I went to the NEX with my 2 girlfriends and we hit the Christmas in September sale they were having. I ended up getting some LeapPad books for my oldest ($2 each) some TJ Beary Tales books ($2 each) some Barbies ($2 each) and some other stuff. I ended up spending $35 on toys and a diet soda. Not too bad. Then we decided to go outside to where they were having their sidewalk sale. There were racks and racks of clothes. Being that Im 24 weeks pregnant now and I got a big 'ol belly, not much was going to really fit....well not right now anyway. I did end up getting 3 shirts for myself though. One is maternity and the other 2 are just regular, but somehow manage to fit me now. I also got my hubby a bunch of shirts. As my husband is starting to get older (we're both only 23 right now) he's starting to want to look more like a dad and a professional and less like a kid. So I picked him up some nice polo style shirts for $2-$3 each. All in all I spent $40 on the clothes. I ended up bringing home 6 bags full of stuff and only ended up spending $75. Not too bad.

Recently I have been window shopping on the internet. I've been finding a TON of stuff that I want. One thing that I have fallen in love with is aprons! I'm such a June Cleaver wannabe! My favorites by far are on Etsy and Oh, if I only had the extra cash (and if I wasnt such a tightwad).

momomadeit from Etsy is selling some AWESOME aprons that I just LOVE! Currently this is my favorite out of all of them. They are actually very reasonable running about $30, but right now with the new baby coming we need to save all the money we can. I think next pay check I'll treat myself and get one of these great aprons. Hopefully she'll ship to an FPO box. Oh the Joys of living in Italy. But seriously, how cute is this apron?!?!

Photobucket also has some stylish aprons I love, and they have matching gloves you can buy! I love Its like heaven on-line for me. The aprons are again very reasonable running around $23. The gloves are a little pricy for me at close to $16 (not including shipping) but I think it would be worth the investment. Sure I could go to the NEX and pick up a pair of yellow rubber gloved for probably $2-$3 but they are so ugly. The least I can do is look semi-fashionable while I'm scrubbing dishes.

Matching Apron and gloves....that is heaven to me. I personally like a differnt pair of gloves they have at but sadly the apron that matches them leaves something to be desired. That's my personal opinion though. Mabe its the fact that I like the gloves in green and they dont have the apron to match. Oh well, red would be my next choice.
Oh if I only had a million dollars all the organizing and decorating I would do.

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